Infringe in a sentence as a verb

They were found to infringe on 7 lines of code and a small set of test files.

They probably run a scan at some point looking for ads that infringe the TOS and picked me up.

They just had to make it clear that Samsung did not infringe Apples registered design [1].

If you're going to pirate/copyright infringe, do so, but please stop trying to rebrand it as a freedom of speech issue.

> [...] they accidentally infringe on a patent \n\nI hate to break it to you, but chances are that you infringe on hundreds, if not more, patents in the US. Nobody can tell you what or even how many patents you infringe on, though.

It's a valid defense that Schwartz obviously meant to welcome Android to being based on Java, assuming they didn't infringe on Suns intellectual property.

IP Nav was worried that as soon as we found out what their patents and claims actually were, Rackspace would sue to invalidate their patents or for a declaration that Rackspace does not infringe.

"So, the whole point of the order was to ensure that Apple made a clear public statement to the effect that a UK court had ruled that the Galaxy Tab did not infringe Apple's registered design.

A "hold harmless" would mean that Apple commits to defend any developer who is sued and, further, agrees to pay any damages suffered should that developer be found to infringe.

IP Nav told us that they could not divulge the details of their infringement claims not even the patent numbers or the patent owner unless we entered into a forbearance agreement basically, an agreement that we would not sue them.

Apple did this in a context where the order had given it free scope to argue all it liked about its free speech rights to contest the original judgment and to continue claiming infringement on grounds that it disagreed with that judgment.

Apple has insisted that the three Samsung tablet products infringe several features of Apples design right, such as 'slightly rounded corners,' 'a flat transparent surface without any ornamentation,' and 'a thin profile.

This would be an action by Apple against Lodsys seeking a court judgment that its license covers the challenged activities and a related declaration that no infringement exists by reason of such activities.

Accordingly, Samsung seek orders that I should require Apple to put on their websites and to put in certain newspapers references to this judgment and a statement that the court has found that the Samsung Galaxy tablets do not infringe.

In part this is because Washington allows non-competes, but also doesn't like to infringe on the free flow of labor -- temporary restraining orders preventing an individual from working for a company are extraordinarily rare.

"We hold that one who distributes a device with the object of promoting its use to infringe copyright, as shown by clear expression or other affirmative steps taken to foster infringement, is liable for the resulting acts of infringement by third parties.

How are competitors going to be "innovative", which is what the patent system was supposed to encourage, if they can't actually take another path in building their product, and basically their only real options are to either infringe on the patents or pay the licensing fees.

" The judge went on to say that he believed "there is a useful purpose in a clear public statement that a product alleged by a rights holder to infringe those rights does not infringe," reasoning that "[t]he more frequently and the more loudly a rights holder has asserted infringement, the more useful it is to have a clear public statement to the contrary.

Infringe definitions


go against, as of rules and laws; "He ran afoul of the law"; "This behavior conflicts with our rules"

See also: conflict contravene


advance beyond the usual limit

See also: encroach impinge