Coitus in a sentence as a noun

It's only lethal if you attempt coitus or ingestion.

Have you ever told a woman, after coitus, how you ran the same Game on them that you've run dozens of times before?

We get female captives as our share of booty, and we are interested in their prices, what is your opinion about coitus interruptus?

But "coire" and "coitus" are glossed as "to cohabit" and "cohabitation", despite the fact that these are not legitimate meanings of the Latin words.

Im not much into the kids music these days, but I looked this one up on Youtube and I'll admit, if i had to listen to it, I'd reconsider coitus as well.

Sure, there were murderous tyrants, but there were also the ancient Sumerians who executed their kings at the moment of ahem coitus.

Do you think it's okay for FB to have records of who you've virtually seen, how long you virtually performed coitus, what virtual positions you liked and so on and so forth?

>> Sexual in this case means sex, as in coitus and other related physical stimuli, not gender.> No, it's not restricted to physical stimuli.

Listening when exercising, listening in the car, listening when appropriate at work, listening while cooking dinner, listening during coitus, etc.

Physical coitus becomes a disgusting act akin to taking a ****, so it becomes a virtual shared experience that creates the feelings between two relative strangers without the various risks.

One cannot help but speculate whether the “abominable mixing” which seems to have kept Pope Innocent III up at night dreaming of ways to prevent inter-religious coitus, may have been to blame.

Coitus definitions


the act of sexual procreation between a man and a woman; the man's penis is inserted into the woman's vagina and excited until orgasm and ejaculation occur