Coin in a sentence as a noun

And that a "dead heat" doesn't mean it's a coin ****.

Its like flipping a coin, for each of your loved ones lives, if you want to personalise it.

What drawbacks and advantages does it have compared to the full Bitcoin protocol?

It has given me a much broader base of experience and skill than anyone who stick to one one side of the coin.

But, now that China is strongly incentivized not to invest in Bitcoin, it's going to be a very slow climb back to $1106.

The **** side of the "punish bad behaviour" coin is "reward correct behaviour".

On the other side of the coin, if someone searches for [X rap genius] whilst they are under penalty its fair that they do not rank for that either.

Minting coins to pay off the public debt is a bad idea, and not a single economist seriously suggested doing that.

Quit tomorrow, sell everything you own, and invest it all in bitcoin immediately!

I'm going to make that a zero balance, because I've completely lost faith in any company's ability to manage Bitcoin.

But this isn't something specific about MTGox, it's something we should demand from all services holding large amounts of third party Bitcoins.

Coin in a sentence as a verb

Bitcoin has the unusual ability to have a very tight trace on where a given virtual coin goes: that just makes the ability to watch the money easier.

He tells one to toss a coin a hundred times and record the sequence of heads and tails, while the others are to write down a sequence they think is random using their imagination.

Byzantine agreement with 3f+1 nodes can handle at most f faulty nodes, while Bitcoin can tolerate 49% of the network hashing power being malicious.

It would also set a minimum standard of quality for webwallet services in general, which would add a lot of value to the bitcoin ecosystem.

Could a economy based on Bitcoin survive them, and not crash inevitably into a deflationary spiral?

"The problem with 2PC is that a malicious node could stop somebody from being able to spend their coins by always sending nays out to the network when ever the victim sent a transaction.

Do Bitcoin's proponents believe a constant 4% deflation rate will be somehow compatible with capitalism?

With Bitcoin it's technically possible to prove an entity controls enough coin to cover its obligations— and even to do so in ways that don't leak other business information, and so we should.

Some particularly insidious coin stealing malware has been developed that modifies the payment address in the clipboard to be changed to an attackers address, and the whole UX around copying long Base58 encoded strings is horrible.

To accept Bitcoin at face value is to accept a future where every country operates by default with a financial system like Switzerland, and I don't believe that the vast majority of the population want that to happen.

The idea is that Bob and Charlie would each broadcast their respective messages to the Infocoin network, along with a request: “Should I accept this?” They’d then wait some period – perhaps ten minutes – to hear any naysayers who could prove that Alice was trying to double spend.

Proper Noun Examples for Coin

"In case anyone from Coinbase is reading: you have a unique opportunity to be the first webwallet service to implement this, and thereby make the entire bitcoin community instantly fall in love with you.

Coin definitions


a flat metal piece (usually a disc) used as money


make up; "coin phrases or words"


form by stamping, punching, or printing; "strike coins"; "strike a medal"

See also: mint strike