Co-occur in a sentence as a verb

In this case, the man's name probably co-occurred with that phrase.

They may co-occur often, but they are orthogonal.

They frequently co-occur in ore deposits for exactly that reason.

In other words, two items which both occur frequently will score higher than two items which occur infrequently, but which co-occur higher than usual.

Presumably there is some text processing algorithm that matches the name and other entities that co-occur with high probability.

Many nonprofits are good at delivering human services, and less good at writing proposals, and the skills do not necessarily co-occur.

So, the objective in vanilla word2vec prefers vector spaces that maximize the inner product of words that co-occur and minimize the inner product of words that do not co-occur.

Ocean warming, ocean deoxygenation, and ocean acidification are major ‘stressors’ on marine systems and typically co-occur because they share a common cause.

Look, mainstream economists disagree with you [0].QE usually occurs in the context of a real shock that induces deflationary pressure, but the fact that QE and deflation sometimes co-occur is correlation, not causation.

Over-splitting would create a falsely inflated rate of comorbidity by treating multiple components of the same larger diagnostic entity as separate conditions that frequently co-occur.

Although existing data does not allow to ascertain increase prevalence of ASD in HRDs, as well as shared underlying patho-mechanisms between both conditions, there is increasing evidence suggesting that these co-occur more often than expected by chance.

There might as well be Eastern European countries with substantial Roma population, for some definition of “substantial”, but that doesn’t change my original point that high cultural homogeniety and high police corruption definiely does co-occur.

While we have not addressed autism and GJH comorbidity rates in this study, their co-occurrence in the adult ASD female population suggests links between the dysfunction of connective tissue and the immune and endocrine systems in this subpopulation.

Co-occur definitions


go with, fall together

See also: coincide cooccur