Clustering in a sentence as a noun

* HA is still hard: clustering is generally in principle possible, but make sure you read the fine print.

I taught myself HAProxy, load balancing, nginx, and clustering years ago when people were still using mod_python.

It just means that, as the Schelling model demonstrates, you can't tell how much there is by looking at how much clustering there is on a map.

Even back then there was plenty of research into peer-casting, including peer clustering by proximity metrics.

That implements Erlang-like mailboxes and network clustering, and I've got a supervisor tree implementation on deck for Github too.

Didn't want to answer questions, so let's find all the questions that are important to everybody from the categories of people he thinks he likes based on clustering and then browsing a profile or two of people in that cluster.

Reading the vs Mongodb they have:"RethinkDB's performance has degraded significantly after the addition of the clustering layer, but we hope we'll be able to restore it over the next several releases.

Not only are the results informative, but I have learnt so much about clustering, consistency, testing methodology and what to look for when evaluating reliability on these systems.

* It's got hierarchical clustering, common statistical tests, linear and logistic regression, etc* It's got almost all of the commonly used statistics distributions, a lot of computation, and a limited degree of inference on them.

Clustering definitions


a grouping of a number of similar things; "a bunch of trees"; "a cluster of admirers"

See also: bunch clump cluster