Clop in a sentence as a noun

A squirrel was searching for "traps", "clop clop", etc.

For centuries, we heard wooden wagon wheels creaking and/or hooves clop-clopping on the road.

I want to see my neighborhood filled with happy people making cloppy-clop sounds on their bicycles.

Clop in a sentence as a verb

I think they said something similar about when cars replaced horses - no more hooves clop-clopping on the roads.

I'm personally waiting for the ranks of marching ****'s with rainbow uniforms and strap on unicorn horns, haven't seen any yet but thanks to the vigilance of modern media I know to listen for the menacing "clop" of approaching hoof boots.

Clop definitions


the sound of a horse's hoofs hitting on a hard surface

See also: clip-clop clippety-clop clopping clunking clumping


make or move along with a sound as of a horse's hooves striking the ground

See also: clump clunk plunk