Clunking in a sentence as a noun

Of course, if I want a quick and dirty clunking looking thing, Text is ok.

Can you emulate the clunking sound of the 1541 drive while reading from the USB?

But that's just how Windows is, rotted and barely clunking along.

However, clunking at 1/20th of a second is probably fine.

There was some mild clunking and clanging from underneath as we slid over the mechanism.

It's really incredible that in 2015, we are still clunking around trying to solve these basic problems of commerce.

From your link:>I think we are on drivetrain #5 and it is now that one clunking intermittently, so maybe we take that one back in.

I fully expect to be using SpamBayes in 10 years, probably with a wheezing, clunking copy of Outlook in a VM.

The workplace I left this week has an HP LaserJet 5 of a 1995 vintage still clunking away in the corner printing news scripts for the radio, with a page count in the 300,000s.

One really big, really heavy, really good catalytic converter instead of millions of small lightweight ones, clunking over bumps & quietly rusting out.

I guess it might work fine on a fast enough machine, but I at least think I'd rather wait a few hundred extra milliseconds at the beginning and not have things clunking into place the whole time I'm looking through the comments.

Clunking definitions


the sound of a horse's hoofs hitting on a hard surface

See also: clip-clop clippety-clop clop clopping clumping