Clock in a sentence as a noun

"The clock is ticking for all of us... fight!

Also the moving clock in the xkcd figure!

So, just about 3 months shy of getting my 10 year pin/clock/whatever I stormed out.

If that clock expires, the CRAs must remove that tradeline from your report and never reinstate it.

If not, they're bored, and you have a ticking clock to do something about that engineer before he leaves.

I often worry about whether my startup clock is running out. I'm closer to 30 than 20, finishing up graduate school, and for the most part feel young.

This starts a 30 day clock, during which time they have to get to the reporter and receive evidence from the reporter that you actually own the debt.

Neither individuals nor corporations have any right to come into court and ask that the clock of history be stopped, or turned back.

It's an homage and the Swiss will be honoured that their famous clock has been elevated to the high-art status of Apple design and innovation.

Clock in a sentence as a verb

That partner C was a shyster of an attorney, and all evidence suggested that they'd just try to wait out the expensive clock rather than consider settling.

PDS design issues can cause resonance and oscillations on the power planes, increase clock jitter, destroy signal integrity and timing and more.

Those that had spent all of their time fire-fighting the messes created by the energetic yet clueless brigade of novices.> Many companies want to own your work even when youre off the clock.

There were academic competitors and industrial labs working around the clock collaboratively on it in the early days before much was known.

Overclocking is more complicated with its larger frequency range and dynamic configuration, so the PCH’s embedded controller and SW service are used to abstract the ICC implementation.

If they were instead describing an experiment to look for anomalous travel times of neutrino pulses or something, I'd know where to start: measurement apparatus precision, clock synchronization, etc.

The critical eye of an average iPhone user will appreciate the fine craftsmanship & precision of the painstaking work that went into translating the iconic clock into an exact digital replica.

The single guiding equation for all deals and transactions is "how can we make as much money as possible with as little risk as possible and also stay out of jail".That wall street occasionally invests in companies that actually do create wealth and allocate capital to the betterment of society is more a case of broken clock sometimes being right.

Proper Noun Examples for Clock

Clock bending adjusts the display clock frequencies to reduce screen flicker.

Clock definitions


a timepiece that shows the time of day


measure the time or duration of an event or action or the person who performs an action in a certain period of time; "he clocked the runners"

See also: time