Shyster in a sentence as a noun

The rest is just handwaving and shyster talk.

Makes me trust him more and not make him seem like a shyster selling snake oil.

This guy has always been a shyster, even back in the Mondo 2000 years.

This story would have been just as informative without the words "ugly", "shocked", "shyster" and "scam".

The question is, is the new guy of Steve Jobs caliber, or is it a shyster who can only sell himself as such?

The shyster model of lawyering says play for advantage to the disregard of truth.

" story; he's a nerd hero who is sticking it to the man instead of just another crypto shyster.

"Translation: as I turn in to the typical greedy startup founder shyster

The takeaway with Mary should be: A shyster of a saleswoman is trying to sell you something.

I think that's an adjective form of shyster, someone who is unethical, especially a lawyer.

The recommendation will go to a good attorney and not the fly by night shyster that advertises at 2AM on the local TV station.

That partner C was a shyster of an attorney, and all evidence suggested that they'd just try to wait out the expensive clock rather than consider settling.

While I think some of these people can provide valuable services without being a shyster, there is definitely that element floating around the web, especially the "Internet Marketing" space.

Probably "hustler", maybe "shyster" or "con man"?blagging - obtaining/disclosing personal information without consent - maybe social engineering/"conning" in the sense of "con man"/"con artist".

Trade isn't zero sum under specialization, but that's not what's going on. This is just shuffling income around to wherever some shyster of a lawyer has figured out a way to avoid paying taxes while still enjoying the benefits of operating in countries where people and corporations do have higher tax burdens, and it is zero-sum.

I'd much rather not give money to some funeral parlour shyster -- one of my uncles ran one of those things, and while I like to think he was one of the honest ones, that industry is all about taking advantage of vulnerable people, worse than being in used car / camel / spacecraft sales.

Shyster definitions


a person (especially a lawyer or politician) who uses unscrupulous or unethical methods

See also: pettifogger