Vulva in a sentence as a noun

In the UK, it's a woman's vulva, so a bit more risqu.

They need a new term -- "Vulna" is just too close in sound and in look to "vulva.

Ok cool but what about sketch of vulva and clitoris?

"Looks like a vulva" would be a more accurate description.

The bacterial balance of the glans penis and the vulva is more delicate.

Again, that might be a personal problem - but in the interest of feedback, you've made me think of a vulva city.

>Every kid who has two opposite sex parents knows from toddler-hood what a penis and vulva look likeI don't think this is true.

*vulvaShe issued 3D models of her external genitalia, which is called the vulva.

While "vulva" is now the correct medical term, initially it was also an euphemism, used as wrongly as some people use now "vagina".

99% of parents wouldn't be bothered, surely?Every kid who has two opposite sex parents knows from toddler-hood what a penis and vulva look like, why is it such a problem?

I don't think referring to the whole package down there as the "vagina" is strictly an American thing, I don't know anyone from anywhere that says "lick my vulva baby".

In the beginning, "vulva" was a synonym for "uterus" and its current meaning arose much later, because some began to use it in order to avoid the correct word "cunnus".

So I might be alone in this... but I can't see "Vulnia" without thinking about vulvia, a vulva metropolis where Zaha Hadid has a major architectural influence.

"Vittu" is the most vulgar term in general use for referring to a vulva or a vagina - it is, however, more often used as a generic interjection with most of the semantics and versatility of "****".

" Subclinical shedding is defined in the body of the paper, specifically under the "Statistical Analysis" heading on the first page, as "the isolation of HSV from the cervix, vulva, or ****** in the absence of genital or perianal lesions noted by the subjects or the clinicians.

I don't want to go too far, but according to Wikipedia's article on rape "the World Health Organization defined it in 2002 as 'physically forced or otherwise coerced penetration even if slight of the vulva or ****, using a penis, other body parts or an object'".Is it a mistake to use that definition here?

Vulva definitions


external parts of the female genitalia