Chock-a-block in a sentence as an adverb

My only gripe is that the website/service is chock-a-block full of Google stuff which puts me off using it.

It's seems like it's halfway to being minified, the lines are chock-a-block. Also, this is a better version in Ruby: file = File.

It's seems like it's halfway to being minified, the lines are chock-a-block. That's likely because you're not used to reading Python.

A fun game aswel, chock-a-block full of backstabbing and intrigue. But definitely brutal as ****.

There are no high-tech devices that already isn't chock-a-block full of their components, and they're crazy profitable.

It is chock-a-block full of people, most of whom are very smart and many of whom can code. Since everyone other than tenured profs has a precarious, low-paying job, this should be a fairly easy pool to recruit from.

Meanwhile, those protons will get a ton of momentum foisted onto them, but they are charged particles moving through atomic matter chock-a-block with other charged particles so they don't get far. The net result is that neutron radiation is blocked.

When you work for the accounts department of a security conscious company, which is chock-a-block full of smart computer-competent people, it should be pretty darn hard to smuggle out email. Especially 100,000 emails.

I'm not sure they realised that there are minors, majors, and resus, and that if there are 8 ambulances outside it's likely that majors is chock-a-block and all the clinicians are a bit busy tonight.

Even the bad fanfiction chock-a-block full of nostalgiac references doesn't stop to explain it's references every other page. I literally hate-read through RPO on a transatlantic flight because the screen for my seat was broken and I had nothing better to do.

I absolutely understand a desire to say "**** 'em" to us Brits, but the margin was tiny, and EU-scepticism is rampant throughout the EU. Please don't pin the sins of our ex-PM on holding a referendum on the whole country - EU history is chock-a-block with countries rejecting various parts of the EU via referendum.

It's chock-a-block with counterintuitive behavior, problems,approaches and solutions.

I also took “discrete mathematics for computation”, a course specifically aimed towards computer science students, but that course was so chock-a-block full of content that there was no time for proofs. I find discrete mathematics proofs very doable and useful, but pretty boring compared to analysis and algebra, and I very much enjoyed practicing mathematics skills in the latter rather than the former.

If your team is, on the other hand, chock-a-block full of blocking potential it may be useful to you. Anyways, there's more ways to find out the truth of things that trying to split the universe into two precisely equal parts, make a change in only one of them, and come back ten years later to see what happened, only for someone to complain that a sample size of one isn't enough and we really need to do this a thousand more times to have a valid result.

The more we learn that the extent to which the galaxy is chock-a-block with habitable worlds, yet apparently devoid of intelligent life, the more I get a truly creeped-out feeling that we are living in some horror-movie galaxy where something is killing everything.

Chock-a-block definitions


as completely as possible; "it was chock-a-block full"

See also: chock