Chivalry in a sentence as a noun

Patent law "chivalry" is dead. It's a quaint game from a time long gone.

So, is your average jock some paragon of chivalry and philogyny?

There's little chivalry involved here. The advertisement for this event makes the tech industry worse for me.

What he did was indeed chivalrous, good even, but chivalry is nothing original.

The root of the word chivalry is telling. We portray history in fairy tale manner, as if the old days were better, and consequently it is awkward to feel anger.

Women everywhere will appreciate your valiant display of chivalry. They shall chant "Thank you Pxtl, for saving us from male privilege!"

\n\n There have been many cases in which key individuals have been allowed to go home and fight with their homies, due to chivalry or some other form of stupidity. in 1861, the Feds let many officers go home and fight for the Confederacy.

Com/rs/2012/04/13/chivalry-at-sea-a-myth... > Men didn't have the option to not work and marry, while had to work to marry, and women didn't have the option to work and not marry.

"have a comment thread full of white knights" You're seriously suggesting that anyone here who decries the rude behaviour described in the blog post, is doing so just to impress the protagonist of this drama with their chivalry? What an absurd notion.

If the same topic were addressed by a male programmer we would all be talking how chivalry and good people are in abundance who want things to change, would not we? Thank you for the downvote that you shall soon exercise but someone had to say this loud even if it shows mildly irrational side of me.

Frankly, the idea that women can't defend themselves and we need to add privacy settings to protect them seems more to perpetuate the ideals of chivalry than feminism.

I think that if you look carefully, what you see is that what we term political correctness today is in actuality a new label on the old idea of chivalry. It aims toward a norm of social behavior where women are seen to require special protection in a way that men are assumed not to.

In the meantime, I'm impressed with anyone who can take such a large bet on the chivalry of strangers in a foreign land and come out so much better for it. Personally I think carrying an iPhone is orthogonal, because it's a useful planning and safety tool which does little to dampen the experience a trip like this can bring.

On the anti-AA side, I think that women, due to reverse-discrimination and old fashion chivalry, are objectively advantaged in every field. Furthermore, some things that would seem to advantage men like long hours, stressful work, and being judged on results, are not bad or discriminatory in themselves.

I'm incredibly reluctant to post in threads like this, but I think this attitude is actually hurting diversity in the industry: excessive "chivalry" by males gives more of an illusion of preferential treatment when women stand up to discrimination, which is just more fuel for the gender war fire. women need our support, not our defense.

A few French kings were man of arms, and their chivalry ethics would not let anyone attack the enemy before them. The authors, Edward Ledrew, narrates beautifully the few dramatic stories where the heroes became burden of nations, where a single missed tactical step ended in years and decennies of prison and ransom, and quite nearly resulted in the death of a country.

Who would ever have guessed that it takes a cross section of all of society to act civilized, that some kinda weekend long lord of the flies re-enactment doesn't result in the revival of medieval chivalry or the revival of the womens lib movement or whatever.

It fosters the impression that any female professional is a damsel in distress dependent on acts of chivalry from people who go to china and call the people there "asian-american" because they have grown up in a culture where more and more words are dangerous, frightening and forbidden. To be quite honest, I really do not give a damn about your mental hangups and I am truly sorry if I have ever given the impression that I do.

Proper Noun Examples for Chivalry

Chivalry is dead. how is it so radical and "dangerous" to conclude that men generally prefer younger, more fertile women, or that latino men generally prefer latino women?

Chivalry definitions


courtesy towards women

See also: gallantry politesse


the medieval principles governing knighthood and knightly conduct

See also: knightliness