Chagrined in a sentence as an adjective

Sorry, I am chagrined :/ But, bonus, I got an answer from a co-founder.

I am always chagrined at the tendency of people to expect that I have a simple, easy gimmick that makes my program function.

As a result, as any chagrined parent will tell you, they add irony and sarcasm to their social repertory.

I'm chagrined to admit that this simple approach didn't even occur to me. I'm interested as well; are there any disadvantages to this?

However, after two years of experience with it, I was chagrined to find that it hadn't reduced the time it took to finish projects very much, if at all, over Python and PHP.

I left Google voluntarily but, since you asked, I did blow the whistle on unethical management practices, and I was chagrined when absolutely nothing changed.

Or perhaps it did happen, and the effect was merely to quietly convert the very chagrined expedition team members from flat-earthers into round-earthers?

'I have to admit that I'm slightly chagrined by the disparity of approach between a lame-*** pentester and an associate professor and two PHD candidates.

Early adopters are invariably chagrined to see the laggards driving the signal to noise down, some leave in search of new media with an opportunity to enjoy the high signal of halcyon days.

>I don't feel too great about any get-together where the topic at hand is , quite literally, let's speak ill of someoneOh, I don't know, that thread read more like relatively mild commiseration between people with first-hand experiences hosting RMS - which all sounded rather chagrined/amused more than anything, at least in retrospect.

Chagrined definitions


feeling or caused to feel uneasy and self-conscious; "felt abashed at the extravagant praise"; "chagrined at the poor sales of his book"; "was embarrassed by her child's tantrums"

See also: abashed embarrassed