Censure in a sentence as a noun

But it's probably just as worthy of censure.

If there's nothing wrong with what people are doing, then there's no need for this at all. If people are doing something wrong, shouldn't there be legal censure, or something?

We are still paying for our unwillingness to censure or impeach a President who abused his power like Bush did.

If you neither grant permission nor tell me where you live then obviously you have something to hide and wish to censure my speech.

It needs to be our harshest censure, to send a message to future administrations that secret coups will not be tolerated.

Children fathered by in-group men with women outside the group are simply excluded, while in-group women face censure for the same behavior.

Censure in a sentence as a verb

Voted against dismissal of impeachment charges for Clinton, brought a resolution to censure George W. Bush for illegal wiretapping.

I listen to them freely and with all the\n > respect merited by their intelligence, their character, their knowledge,\n > reserving always my incontestable right of criticism and censure.

Is it the official policy of US government to try to censure any speech which can cause negative reaction from violent extremists abroad, or there some violent extremists that US government is more afraid of than others?

Why did the author pick this particular CEO for censure?Because the "whoever" who wrote the article is Jean-Louis Gassée, who as an executive of Apple and Be, Inc had half a lifetime of an adversarial relationship with Microsoft.

Overall what impressed me was two things:- Dryden's supporters came from everywhere on the political spectrum- Kids were really smart and really amped up about their rightsSadly, I was pretty sure Dryden's censure was a forgone conclusion while watching the administrators stare blankly across the room while people poured their hearts out.

Censure definitions


harsh criticism or disapproval

See also: animadversion


the state of being excommunicated

See also: excommunication exclusion


rebuke formally

See also: reprimand criminate