Impeach in a sentence as a verb

If you can't attack the actual message, then impeach the character?Grow up.

The House is certainly welcome to impeach a house member who reads launch codes on the floor.

If you clearly violate that trust, we'll impeach you and you will never again be trusted.

I don't ask because I want to impeach their motives -- it's just a critical part of any story.

We are still paying for our unwillingness to censure or impeach a President who abused his power like Bush did.

The only way forward for Congress is to impeach him, and that's not going to happen as long as the Democrats control the Senate.

The decision of the people is final and government must implement the decision as long as it doesn't impeach some basic rules.

So you're suggesting that if Congress passes a reauthorization, and Obama signs it, then that same Congress should go back and impeach him?

It is designed to impeach the credibility of the subject in the reader's view by painting him as someone who is dishonest and can not be trusted.

Further, when you tell a falsehood like this-- one that you really, if you're at all informed on the issue, would know is a falsehood, you impeach your own integrity.

The EP can impeach the Commission - unfortunately only the whole Commission rather than an individual Commissioner.

Also, Horvath seems to have accepted the outcome, simply noting that she disagrees with the findings, but not raising issues with how they were arrived at or trying to impeach the investigator's credibility.

Honestly, if Americans will impeach a president for lying about his extra-curricular cigar-related activities, how can they let something like this slide?

Impeach definitions


challenge the honesty or veracity of; "the lawyers tried to impeach the credibility of the witnesses"


charge (a public official) with an offense or misdemeanor committed while in office; "The President was impeached"


bring an accusation against; level a charge against; "The neighbors accused the man of spousal abuse"

See also: accuse incriminate criminate