Catharsis in a sentence as a noun

Then, at the end, the catharsis:"To be honest I think the box achieves the goal.

This is not a willy-nilly urge, nor a selfish catharsis.

It's like saying, that exertion could be without catharsis.

It's catharsis in a box. This alone made my brief spin with Inky worth my time.- Nice UI for viewing and editing settings.

> He turns the question back on me. If there was no Secret, or an app like it, where would this anonymous poster go for catharsis?

In this way street communities can provide a sense of catharsis -- almost a group therapy session.

The confusion helped promote and maintain the tension, so that the catharsis was stronger, because the key fact in the whole thing is "Cobb is lost".

I just wanted to share my experience... mostly for catharsis, but also in the hopes that someone feeling the same way would read it and do something to make a change.

Another HN user mentioned being frustrated enough that they aliased '*******' to 'sudo', so when you use your trick, you get a bit of catharsis:******* !

The willy-nilly urge to destroy intellectual property rights for individuals and corporations alike is nothing more than a selfish catharsis - without any sense - neither common-sense, nor business-sense, nor a sense of history.

Catharsis definitions


(psychoanalysis) purging of emotional tensions

See also: katharsis abreaction


purging the body by the use of a cathartic to stimulate evacuation of the bowels

See also: katharsis purgation