Castigation in a sentence as a noun

The US deserves castigation for its role in these conflicts, it has acted appallingly, as have others.

Two coders at one keyboard...Pair programming without dual keyboards and mice deserves castigation.

His reported castigation and refusal to see people who have Indian accents is troublesome.

I'm sure some of them are incompetent as regards IT, and that's a problem that needs addressing, but this sort of baseless castigation of public servants irritates the **** out of me.

People are suggesting that Turing's castigation was a preventable result of his homosexuality he should have predicted and avoided.

> Turing's castigation was a preventable result of his homosexuality he should have predicted and avoided.

Yes, this last point would require something more akin to actual statistics to be turned into the reason for some sort of castigation on men in general, but I haven't seen any of that as of now, really.

And I don’t just mean castigation of Chinese government policy: he quite literally said it’s in the worlds best interest for Americans to continue controlling the censorship policies for the entire internet.

The same happens with the 'momentum', if something is on the way down it seems like everybody has to add their stone to the castigation, and if it is on the way up and listed first then it will pick up more points than later but better reasoned out replies at the same level.

The irony is that modern society has made great strides to promote relationships between all combinations of genders of individuals... but any suggestion of non-monogamy is still struck down with shame or castigation almost reflexively, with little to no thought.

If the consequences are "people thinking that you're a bit of a racist/sexist/whatever", then...why does that need policing.---I suspect I come across as naïve for believing that "the Social Justice crowd" are well-intentioned, and that slip-ups will be gently corrected rather than leading to immediate castigation and ostracism.

Castigation definitions


a severe scolding

See also: earful upbraiding going-over


verbal punishment

See also: chastisement