Earful in a sentence as a noun

I gave the dean quite an earful over that.

I'm gonna email the Gunicorn team to give them an earful.

Of course if you suggest that this means the US is a tax haven then you are in for an earful.

The bicyclist gave me an earful about blocking the shared-use trail with my walking until I called pulled out my phone to call the cops and then he high tailed it out there.

Don't tell that to native developers though because you will catch an earful about poor user experiences and maintenance ****, which in my experience is a bunch of FUD.

If you were given an earful about how your code is an unsalvageable flaming pile of rubbish by everyone you showed it to, would you want to release it alongside a paper to which you've given years of your life?

For example if your project blocks out the beach view of a home-owner's house overlooking the ocean, you can sure bet that they'll be at the environmental review and give you an earful about how you can't build your tube/track/freeway/skyscraper/windmill there.

The support person in question might get an earful... actually, tense correction, support people have gotten earfuls from me on the virtues of filing the moral equivalent of "it doesn't work"... but for the customer's sake I can't just smash the bug report closed and smile smugly.

Earful definitions


an outpouring of gossip


a severe scolding

See also: castigation upbraiding going-over