Chastisement in a sentence as a noun

> Who are youAnd who are you to chastise him for his chastisement?

We have more than earned this chastisement by the mods over the past few months.

" I welcome your contrary opinion but not the chastisement that comes with it.

I'd love to live in a world in which strangers on an airplane would welcome my chastisement of their unruly children.

You call it chastisement but then put dehumanized and disprespected in quotes.

Those between us and our guards are our employees, and if ever they forget this, they are just as in need of redirection and chastisement.

And the next day they would continue the chastisement; apparently the local custom was to pick up a crying baby immediately.

"There's a whole movement now of people coming out and saying that they don't like having kids - as a society, we made that impossible to say without severe chastisement.

I just have to add a point of emphasis, and a chastisement:The notion that Thomas Jefferson was a proponent of copyright and patent law is just flat-out wrong.

Does that make you 2/3rds likely to be wrong?There's a whole movement now of people coming out and saying that they don't like having kids - as a society we made that impossible to say without severe chastisement.

It's an entirely appropriate chastisement for their tacky, cliched, and rather lame corporate communication.

The empathy and connection has been built successfully, and no amount of ex post facto chastisement about "hey you were just dehumanized and disrespected" tends to register.

I praise unschooling and any movement that tries to change the horrible, stale, boring education system that makes the majority of students hate learning and associate it with authority, chastisement, and being told they are failures.

Chastisement definitions


verbal punishment

See also: castigation


a rebuke for making a mistake

See also: correction chastening