Bender in a sentence as a noun

>a fender bender blamed on a human driverJust to be clear, it was a human driver operating the Google car.

I feel like we are recovering from a 20-year programming bender of heap allocations and dynamic dispatch.

Instead of saying that you'd get wasted, say "If some chic said that to me, I'd be headed for a three day bender that would make Ernest Hemingway look like a teetotaler.

Everybody's talking about it as though everyone goes on a raging bender at work every evening.

Even after almost 5 years of sporadic driving lessons, including a minor fender bender in my parent's driveway.

I think this was hand-waved away with the admission that Jules is terrible at customer support... the implication being that he was on a rage-bender and nuked the account.

The larger point being, alcohol is a bad idea.> A single bender is not going to upregulate liver enzymesI argue a single bender will upregulate liver enzymes.

It's a game where getting into a fender bender with a cop car often results in hundreds of blown up cars, numerous car-jackings, and several crashed helicopters an hour or two later, but only if your character is involved.

Bender definitions


a tool for bending; "he used pliers as a bender"


revelry in drinking; a merry drinking party

See also: carouse carousal toot booze-up


a pitch of a baseball that is thrown with spin so that its path curves as it approaches the batter

See also: curve