Carotid in a sentence as an adjective

Of course, it's not the same if you insert air in the carotid artery.

For the men with carotid stenosis, the respective difference was 3-fold.

With training, any device that can cut a pilot's or flight attendant's carotid artery can be used to take over a plane.

A very sharp knife is used to cut the oesophagus, the trachea, carotid arteries and jugular veins in one smooth action.

By which they mean, "Leaving the repository owner bleeding out from a cut carotid artery, never knowing what happened to them?

Since the doctors couldn't be bothered to tell me what they were checking for, I only found out 13 or so hours later that the scan was to rule out a carotid artery dissection.

Some soldiers wore exo-suits-of-muscle that had access to valves embedded in the femoral and carotid arteries.

When Facebook adds a new button on the sidebar, there is little risk of that inadvertently severing someone's carotid artery.

Standing in not accepted risk factor for carotid atherosclerosis.

They travel down the spinal cord, exit at the base of the neck into a ganglion, travel back up along the carotid artery into the brain, and finally connect to the eye.

IT's similar to another procedure like carotid endarterectomy in that it's very surgeon-dependent; you don't want it done by someone who does less than 25-30 cases a year.

We, therefore, report three case histories of carotid, coronary, and peripheral vascular disease.

There is no shortage of research about the dangers of sitting including obesity which is a risk factor of symptomatic carotid atherosclerosis.

Prolonged standing is associated with a ninefold increase in carotid atherosclerosis.

The emergency medical procedure was to dump the lower-ranking dead body already in the portable body freezer, exsanguinate the corpse by opening the carotid arteries, and pump the circulatory system full of "cryoprotectant fluid".

> The idea is that thicker artery walls are associated with heart disease, right?Right, except, if you've every scrubbed in for a carotid endarterectomy, the culprit is a lesion full of cholesterol and inflammation, not a diffuse thickening.> Is there reason to believe the relationship is linear?Well, yes and no.

Deep down, I want to believe that someone, somewhere in the government apparatus is working feverishly to help the other apparatchiks to understand the Golden Goose's carotid arteries have been severed, and if something isn't done immediately the entire income stream of all governments is going to fade away into nothing.

The critical wound was a four-and-a-half-inch-deep cut in the throat, which completely severed the carotid artery and jugular vein.\nThe doctor determined that Joy was alive when she received the wound, and that such a wound could have been caused by\na single-edged blade shorter than four and a half inches, due to “how soft and moveable the tissues are in the neck.” The autopsy also revealed abrasions around the neck, impressed with the cloth pattern of Joy’s shirt.\nThe coroner’s office also took vaginal, oral, and **** swabs.

Carotid definitions


of or relating to either of the two major arteries supplying blood to the head and neck