Peripheral in a sentence as a noun

Its a peripheral, not a second computer and its priced accordingly.

I've had peripheral contact with stalking on multiple occasions.

Add unit tests for the functions in the core and then split the remainder into parts that are peripheral and that could be removed/disabled.

I can't imagine such peripheral industries not being affected.

If there was no interface to the rest of the code then you'll need to define one and implement that as well as changing the peripheral code to use that interface.

Peripheral in a sentence as an adjective

So as a 'controller' option, and even as the 'whole console' option, these sorts of glasses are still about 3 - 5 years from hitting a price point that makes them the 'killer' peripheral.

The payoff of this article is even better than the headline hints at; I was expecting the kid to be involved in some interesting, but relatively peripheral way.

Older persuasion models posited that there were two routes to compliance: the central route, through the target's careful, rational consideration of options, and the peripheral route, through cognitively quick decisions made mostly on factors that are heuristic.

"Without establishing a solid connection to China, there will always be room for observers to dismiss APT actions as uncoordinated, solely criminal in nature, or peripheral to larger national security and global economic concerns.

Still, there are peripheral functions like business development, marketing, intellectual property, privacy, policy, etc., where you can always find a few deadbeats that talk slick, but don't seem to have much to show for their time except hiring more people and making a few high impact appearances at meetings.

Peripheral definitions


(computer science) electronic equipment connected by cable to the CPU of a computer; "disk drives and printers are important peripherals"


on or near an edge or constituting an outer boundary; the outer area; "Russia's peripheral provinces"; "peripheral suburbs"


related to the key issue but not of central importance; "a peripheral interest"; "energy is far from a peripheral issue in the economy"; "peripheral issues"