Calculative in a sentence as an adjective

Make noises that will get you back on track, reminders!Be calculative, but don't be cheap in pursuing your dream.

[1] it roughly means something along the lines of "Don't be so calculative with money, be more generous, don't count pennies"

But a bounded-rational agent put in front of a problem well within its bounds can pretend, well enough, to be calculatively rational.>3.

Exercise, diet, etc, but be insanely specific, insanely calculative in what you do if you choose the non-med way, as it is just as much a mystery as are the pills.

It's not that they do this explicitly because they hate women, many do think that women are just inferior, but many are also making highly calculative reasons.

Second that every party is disincentivized, either in rational calculative terms or in terms of their perception of the incentives.

However when you do mistakes, the process of encountering them and fixing them is much more stressful in the moment, and most of us try to avoid them as much as we can. However it might be that trying and making mistakes is more productive in longer run than avoiding risks and taking safe and calculative approach.

Practical technologies, calculative devices and portable algorithms give actors tools to implement particular models of action.

The raw, calculative persona of those described as "10x sportsman" and "optimize all muscleai" seems to line up with having difficulty empathizing with others and acknowledging emotions.

This calculative civilizing, aggressively competitive, process based on the permanent logic of productivity attacks something very deep in the archaic psyche of the human being.

The raw, calculative persona of those described as "10x developers" and "optimize all minutiae" seems to line up with having difficulty empathizing with others and acknowledging emotions.

It will probably be easy for an agent to "self-improve" in the sense of just optimizing its code to run more efficiently, in terms of space and time, thus giving it more time and space to think and allowing it to converge towards calculative rationality more quickly.

Calculative definitions


used of persons; "the most calculating and selfish men in the community"

See also: calculating conniving scheming shrewd