Calculating in a sentence as an adjective

If you are calculating it as a full sphere, then it's 180 gigapixels.

But beyond the terror you could see, there was nothing -- just pure cold and calculating rational self-serving thought.

Maybe Im just a calculating, cold, emotionless engineer but when it comes to pay packages Ive stopped caring about the fancy 'perks'.

Since every technical person should know their current UTC difference, calculating the local time is easy.

By itself, the Bitcoin network is just a mechanism for passing around signed messages and calculating hash values.

I like that your process for calculating how long you could last appears to consist of multiplying the amount of time others can last by their ratio of working ears to yours.

Its a fair question, and in truth just printing plastic utensils is not a killer app, just like calculating sums on a microcomputer made less sense than buying a calculator.

Which I guess isn't so terrible; once someone else labours mightily to learn all that very-hard math, you can hire her at an exorbitant rate to make use of the calculating techniques she has learned.

When prisoners are housed in prisons in rural districts, they count towards that districts population for purposes of calculating representation in state legislature.

Well, calculating the "true" strength is difficult to do, because even though sophisticated tools are available to aid the process, the attackers are still human, and can input their own guesses that may or may not be more accurate.

Calculating definitions


used of persons; "the most calculating and selfish men in the community"

See also: calculative conniving scheming shrewd