Calcify in a sentence as a verb

Once those little hacks calcify it's all down the tubes from there.

Some white blood cells will calcify and stick to arteries.

"I agree, but I also see this as the moment their product line would start to calcify.

So shrug whatevs this doesn't calcify us more than we are already calcified.

The purpose has been to de-calcify my vascular system and gut.

Most fields calcify after a few years and salaries level off as the managers do their thing.

The biggest problem is the rows that calcify and lock together if you don't actively try and break bonds.

As in any institution, it may calcify and be corrupted.

Real estate taxes calcify the market and banking policy makes it even harder for young people to own homes.

And even if it did, you don't have dangerous atherosclerosis until those clogs start to calcify.

When one is afraid to try things everything will just calcify until it is no longer possible to add any new features.

Worse yet it may calcify the Go development team in a way that will keep them from addressing the basic issues that generics might help solve.

But they'll calcify in the long run, everyone does, and then what?What will interest me most is to see how many people can take on the challenge level of EDx.

It's suppose to de-calcify the pineal gland and allow proper melatonin production.

Areas with a lot of user generated content might calcify if this big barrier to entry comes in, and only the big incumbent players are safe.

It's kind of hilarious that it takes a case as transparently self-serving as aaron swartz to calcify a population as privileged and inured to the justice system as programmers to go "woah hey this **** might be kind of ****** up!!!

You can avoid some issues by focusing on written asynchronous communication, and maybe modularizing the work so that different time zones are working on different things, but this tends to calcify and slow down a product development process.

Why would you need, over the course of years, to "de-calcify my vascular system and gut"?Is this related to some recognized malady which requires lifelong megadoses of Vitamin-D as a treatment?Does your bloodwork show what is considered healthy levels of Vitamin D, calcium, and related biomarkers after these years of megadoses?

Calcify definitions


become impregnated with calcium salts


become inflexible and unchanging; "Old folks can calcify"


turn into lime; become calcified; "The rock calcified over the centuries"


convert into lime; "the salts calcified the rock"