Cacophony in a sentence as a noun

You have nothing to lose but the time you've wasted adding noise to a vapid cacophony.

It also mixes up with the music one might listening to and ends up in a grating cacophony.

Yes, the cacophony of practice on 15 different instruments died off at about 10pm.

Its a cacophony of people shouting their thoughts into the abyss without listening to what anyone else is saying.

What I do tire of is the 'damn buncha hoodlums' comment cacophony that offers no contribution to the discussion.

If there was a cacophony of annoying noise drawing attention to their actions whenever this is used, they wouldn't use it much.

The result is a cacophony where even each individual sounds awful because of the distortion.

Presumably you've read the story of what went on in the AF 447 cockpit - do you suppose adding one more voice to the cacophony of warnings would really have helped?

Chaos, total cacophony and the total freedom to make a complete fool of yourself and others without anyone caring one bit even 10 minutes from now.

>if youre a firm believer in free speech, you should now be experiencing a deafening cacophony of alarm bellsThis article is sensationalist.

When the result is presented, you are rewarded with a cacophony of exciting sounds, attention-grabbing images, and some form of currency.

Hacker News is very likely to raise a cacophony about getting to see "original emails" and "screenshots" because those are dramatic, and people here like drama.

The more cacophony there is about this problem, the better, even if it sounds a little redundant to those of us already intimately familiar with it.

This led to a huge cacophony all over the internet with a lot of publications reporting "Nokia discounts phone by half", totally ignoring the fact that it was on contract price, so the price discount was closer to 10% and was totally normal.

Cacophony definitions


a loud harsh or strident noise

See also: blare blaring clamor


loud confusing disagreeable sounds