Blare in a sentence as a noun

" will blare through the cockpit 75 times.

You've done it, you've hit the end, trumpets are supposed to blare, and...

You've done it, you've hit the end, trumpets are supposed to blare, and... and...

Jenkins would blare a Lo Pan sound clip[0] on build success/failure.

They had radios which would blare rock'n roll which their parents may not have approved of.

Blare in a sentence as a verb

But I have every right to call you a murderer and blare it across the land if i want

I blare my speakers with VLC playback something like 5X times more often than QuickTime player or mplayer.

"And that was while the security researchers caused the radio to blare so loud that he couldn't hear them on the other end of the phone.

One of the main complaints is that the wristband would be dead in the morning - I believe this was caused by a firmware defect that caused the bluetooth radio to blare at full strength all night.

Website restaurants are usually overloaded with annoying flash and -- gasp -- music and/or other noises that tends to blare out loud when it's least convenient and most embarrassing.

Blare definitions


a loud harsh or strident noise

See also: blaring cacophony clamor


make a strident sound; "She tended to blast when speaking into a microphone"

See also: blast


make a loud noise; "The horns of the taxis blared"

See also: honk beep claxon toot