Burlap in a sentence as a noun

Do you cover yourself with a burlap sap, or do you wear clothing of a design you prefer?

Otherwise we'd just buy things in brown cardboard boxes and stamped burlap sacks like the good ol' days.

Are likely different as well so it's not quite as simple as "find a few trucks worth of burlap bags".Yep. I own a bakery.

I actually don't mind Gildan's quality, but "dyed burlap" gave me a nice chuckle.

Yes, it makes everyone sad when they do it, but the API still goes into the burlap bag and then into the pond.

You think they're cost effective and comfortable, you haven't lived until you've coded in just a big 'ol burlap sack.

There are checkpoints every few km where you are required to drive through either a wet hole in the ground or over a wet burlap sack.

I can't speak for everyone, but whenever my facial hair gets long enough it's just a burlap sack on my face, full of itching and regret.

Linux people don't want you to "not use Linux", they want you to see that wearing a burlap sack is good for your soul, then you'll embrace it wholeheartedly on their terms.

What is a distribution if not a collection of software that obey the same standard?Without the latter, all you have is a burlap sack full of software.

I recall reading about a guy who was building houses out of burlap bags and dirt and trying to get them approved as acceptable habitable structures in California and was running into all sorts of roadblocks.

I didn't understand why they were making us get into burlap sacks before going down, but I understood later - the speed near the bottom was high enough that I'm pretty sure I would've walked away with major burns if I'd touched the slide.

Burlap definitions


coarse jute fabric

See also: gunny