Micrometer in a sentence as a noun

This is a micrometer scale thin film on a substrate.

> And it's not like that data needs micrometer precision ...But maybe that's the point.

Or so I've found with a fan I recently bought, and helped two people, in one case whipping out my micrometer.

It's not going to be to micrometer precision, but when working with the mostly green wood those places sell, nothing ever is.

We're building an "easy" machine, which can do about 1 micrometer precision.

And where other customers get cut a lot of slack just for being nice, you're going to be fighting for every micrometer of delivered support.

I'm sure the Uncertainty Principle plays into it, but theoretically could it be done--store 1 cubic meter's worth of data into a 1 cubic micrometer of storage?

For another example, 2^64 micrometer is more than 100 astronomical units.

They're almost certainly not expected to work to anything near the level of precision that these sorts of high-end CNC machines do - judging by the comments in this thread, you're talking about micrometer level precision.

That is a lot of bricks you are trying to stack on with no other failures getting in you way, and when you're dealing with that sort of accumulation of brick, micrometer variations you'd normally never even consider worrying about start stacking up....

Micrometer definitions


a metric unit of length equal to one millionth of a meter

See also: micron


caliper for measuring small distances