Burgh in a sentence as a noun

I hope that PA gets its **** together for the burgh's sake.

I'm in Pittsburgh and looking to meet a cool and smart co-founder.

Pittsburgh is a great town with a thriving tech and startup community.

I'd imagine Boston is a bit more expensive in general than the 'burgh, no?

The funny thing is that the local burgh paper needs that subscription or it will not be there in a couple of years.

What outsiders won't understand is that Pittsburgh's economy is trash.

I have a lot of pride in the Pittsburgh region and consider it a goal of mine to help do a my small part to re-energize the city.

It's a remarkably isolated city...The last time Pittsburgh was a real, honest transit nexus was some 60-70 years ago for the Pennsylvania Railroad.

What Uber's ATC represents is the beginning of Pittsburgh's revitalization and sorely needed economic growth.

Apparently similar etymology to English "-borough" or "-burgh".

Proper Noun Examples for Burgh

For what it's worth, I am from Pittsburgh and intend on starting a startup in the Burgh.

Burgh definitions


a borough in Scotland