Brutality in a sentence as a noun

It's a great defence against claims of police brutality and abuse.

Countless victims of police brutality can attest to that.

But I also know what happens when things go wrong; I've seen the recordings of corrupt cops and the brutality videos.

That will not always be the case, and I do not look forward to the day when our own brutality is visited upon us.

Yes, police brutality disproportionately affects the poor, but by no means are the middle class exempt.

The brutality we are arguing about here is the possibility of him ending up with a felony on his record.

For example, by people who have videotaped police brutality and the like can be followed around in ways that would be impractical otherwise.

The iReport article implies, via quotations from multiple sources, that Mr. Mueller is on trial for filming police brutality.

We salute your determination to be non-violent in the face of the regime's brutality, and admire your willingness to pursue justice, not mere revenge.

I hereby invoke Godwin's law to declare that anyone who orders police brutality against largely peaceful protesters is Hitler reincarnated.

It seems to me there's nothing indicating Google has ever taken down videos of police brutality at the govt's requests.. but rather, has complied with many other types of legal requests from the US?

Do you really think a police force that has no problem with brutality and unjust imprisonment really has any moral issue with filing an untrue/misleading report that makes them look better?

You see this sort of thing in support for torture, support for poor conditions in jail, sympathetic depictions of police brutality in fiction, public approval of widespread sexual assault in prisons, etc.

Communists don't like being called "communists" because in today's political climate, that label is disapproved. Actually being a communist, however, is not. So they use lightly-coded language like 99%, special interests, police brutality, and equality.

It's not a paradise, but they have reasonably civil, well-thought-out conversations with people of vastly different viewpoints on everything from transgender issues to Israel-Palestine to which rock band is the best to weird art to police brutality to which dogs are the cutest dogs to anything else you can think of.

During his career he had seen the following scenario: a newspaper might run an objective article about corruption in Egypt, and an objective article about the brutality of the Iranian government, but then the paper would perhaps never run an article that objectively covered the treatment of some people under Israeli rule.

Brutality definitions


the trait of extreme cruelty

See also: ferociousness viciousness savagery


a brutal barbarous savage act

See also: barbarity barbarism savagery