Broach in a sentence as a noun

I was trying to work out how we'd broach it with them when we were dumped off our bit of the project.

If advertising to kids was a path we even wanted to go down, we'd need to broach a whole new market.

I don't think any of us want to broach into the realm of infinite-length copyright.

They will rarely broach the topic but if someone is interested will talk for hours about their favourite tools.

I cannot even broach open all that needs to be said to even set the groundwork for a wholesome discussion.

That's a rather difficult question to answer and I do not have the skills or the understanding to broach upon it.

That is an outstandingly mild offense and does not broach anywhere near the borderlines of "arrogance".

Without objects, you can't even broach the harder topics that teachers carelessly throw into 101 courses.

Broach in a sentence as a verb

For some reason my experience tells me that they view this as undermining behaviour no matter how you broach the subject.

Now that the word is getting out about this a retreat and rethink is in order to figure out how to broach legislation that moves toward this goal.

Years ago, the number of people I could have a discussion with on these matters with was miniscule, these days absolute strangers broach the subject themselves.

I'm stunned to think that an international organization should find it less desirable to broach certain topics due to the timing of a US election.

I think it's just that their strategy of only ever targeting the top 20% most profitable customers means they never broach market shares that make them a threat to competition by the conventional measures used by regulators.

Again, this is a gross oversimplification that describes only generic version control concepts and none of the powerful features that .Go ahead and try explaining a rebase without trying to broach the concepts of time travel.

Indeed, not even the tenured President of Harvard can broach the topic, even if he only moots the possibility of differences in variance rather than mean!It's not much of a debate when those who voice the "partially genetic" position are at risk of losing their jobs.

Broach definitions


a decorative pin worn by women

See also: brooch breastpin


bring up a topic for discussion

See also: initiate