Polyphony in a sentence as a noun

Seeing polyphony is an oxymoron; yet a so true one.

In comparison, when you "see" the polyphony you are one step closer to "hearing" it the next time.

Nice, but there are two essential things missing: keyboard expression [1] and polyphony [2].

It doesn't help at all with the established 12-tone scale, or with polyphony or chords, and it sounds unbearable in a beginner's hands.

The videos in that channel are a great help in seeing polyphony and how complex music can be behind-the-scene.

Challenge in classical pieces is that various melodies among the polyphony might get caught in my head.

My bet it that we would get new color-abstraction after a while, same as someone hearing polyphony after years of listening to harmony.

I guess this is why I have always preferred text to diagrams and such...By the way, what I can do is hear music in my mind - and yes, this comes with pitch, volume, timbre, polyphony and everything.

Polyphony definitions


music arranged in parts for several voices or instruments