Breaker in a sentence as a noun

Or break your chain without a chain breaker? 3.

Trading in Zynga halted due to 13% drop and a circuit breaker tripped.

They would be 90% sure of getting busted, and it would be a huge deal breaker for a lot of their clients. A ******* move.

> No LTE is a deal-breaker for me on the Nexus 4. I would pre-order one right now if it was included.

Three hundred and sixty eight dollars for the guy to go over to the breaker panel and **** a switch. OK, here's another.

If a place I'm interviewing at has adopted the open floor plan, it's a deal breaker. I've worked in cubicle farms, private rooms, shared rooms, and clustered team cubicle rooms.

No problem, it'll cost $350 for a union electrician to go to the breaker panel and quite-literally **** a switch. Need to bring some boxes on a dolly to a booth?

It prompts people to think about something worthwhile and could easily become an ice breaker within a community. At the very least it may spark an idea in someone who reads it."

It's only a 1% increase in your yearly budget which probably isn't a deal breaker. But in a situation with relatively public salaries you're in a bad spot.

The downside, of course, is that you have to a tiny bit of knowledge about set theory, and that's a deal breaker for most "developers" today. The whole point of the GP was that Mongo isn't elegant or easy...

All that proves is that being perpetually rude and having terrible people skills isn't a deal-breaker in corporate America.

The requirement that I provide access to my Github repos like this is a deal breaker. For a security related product, this creates a huge attack surface and audit requirement.

This bears repeating: If you try to wire your generator to your breaker box as a DIY project, you probably will not be in compliance with local electrical codes. Also know that it's extremely dangerous.

Sometimes when you meet people, you just understand and know that there's something different about them, a potential for greatness, that they are a mold breaker. Their current circumstances may be unexceptional, but you have confidence they will go on to do great things.

By itself, no public transportation directions in Maps should be a deal-breaker for anyone living in a big city. How Apple could have allowed such a huge feature regression from the 4S/iOS 5 to get into the final version of the iPhone 5 is beyond me.

So I'm not motivated by your company's "great location" in the NY, SF, or Boston area; in fact that's a deal breaker for my family [0]. I'm not motivated by a 50% higher paycheck, most of which would be eaten up by higher taxes and cost of living and flying out here several times a year to be with family.

With age, though, _Practical_ is becoming more useful as a breaker's guide and less and a builder's guide. There is no book anywhere that a generalist developer can read to learn how to build a secure cryptosystem from scratch, and generalist developers should be relying instead on high-level libraries like Keyczar and Nacl.

I was berated for how much time and money was wasted on getting me ready for employment, and I replied I was promised repeatedly that I would not have to sign away my rights, and this was absolutely a deal breaker and I didn't appreciate being told repeatedly this would be honored until the very last minute. So really, my time was being wasted too.

For this reason, automatic reclosers are typically used at the station breaker. Conversely, automatic reclose is not used on underground distribution systems because momentary contacts are rare and attempting to reclose on a permanent fault just causes further damage to your breaker and other distribution assets.

Breaker definitions


a quarry worker who splits off blocks of stone

See also: ledgeman


waves breaking on the shore

See also: surf breakers


a device that trips like a switch and opens the circuit when overloaded