Bounds in a sentence as a noun

Geoff Hinton can make you regret without bounds.

Just because a client says "spend no more than an hour on this" doesn't mean a proper review can be done with such bounds.

Your trunk might, for a few minutes, be out of bounds because it's not necessarily your trunk.

This guy's lawyer argues that the phone search was out of bounds because of an expectation of privacy.

I dislike this book so much that for the first time in the history of my use of HN, my comment overflowed the bounds for HN comments.

She has the benefit of being in Australia, where the health care system is leaps and bounds better than what we have in America, at least.

I found it leaps and bounds better than the existing closed-source toolsets we had licenses for, like Coverity Extend.

But for drawing a map and icons/polygons, scrolling to determine search bounds, etc, OSM is a superior solution.

They were leaps and bounds above any other bank in everything from their down-home attitude to their evening and weekend hours.

Here you have a promising and highly innovative technology that is pushing the bounds of what is possible on the web.

I know they're very much about having people their ecosystem, but I didn't realize that there was this kind of animosity towards people who stepped out of bounds.

The notion that searching the phone pushes the bounds of "incident to arrest" searches is at best a technicality; under the same pattern of facts, a warrant for the search would be a no-brainer as well.

But in languages without bounds checks, that logic can fall away as the computer starts reading or executing raw memory, which is no longer connected to specific variables or lines of code in your program.

I had clerked for a federal judge who applied "old school" philosophy to the handling of civil disputes - that is, let the parties have maximum scope within the rules of civil procedure by which to fashion and try their cases, with the judge doing minimal supervision as needed just to keep them in bounds.

Bounds definitions


the line or plane indicating the limit or extent of something

See also: boundary bound