Animosity in a sentence as a noun

I have worked at startups where employees feels animosity towards the dev team.

We have so much production here, so much money, so much creativity and people seem to have nothing but fear and animosity.

" but you just made someone's day a little worse, and caused the general animosity between men and women to be turned up a notch.

Rather this was an easy way to target members of a group the protestors feel wronged by/animosity towards.

I know they're very much about having people their ecosystem, but I didn't realize that there was this kind of animosity towards people who stepped out of bounds.

And while I'll admit that there was some animosity towards Muslims, there was similar animosity towards other large groups too.

Hounding does not achieve anything except increasing animosity all round.

Weighed upvotes will solve this problem.- Anonymity breeds animosity.

"driven up the property values and rent prices, creating animosity, evictions, and poverty" \nI'm sorry but I can't imagine the gentrification has caused poverty.

Exactly this!It almost feels like a political issue--with all of the longterm controversy and animosity that Facebook has stirred up amongst us, we've been quietly waiting for something like this to happen.

Their relationship throughout The Talk Show has had its tumultuous moments: in early episodes, Benjamin's using an Android phone drew Gruber's ire, and then later there was animosity when Benjamin would show up for the Bond episodes unprepared.

I also should have challenged it more vigorously, but I didn't want to create animosity between my boss and myself seeing as I was barred from transferring for.. 18 months was it?I'm not too bitter about it though; I ultimately ended up resigning after a year and then coming back to work for the same department as a contractor at a much higher salary.

Animosity definitions


a feeling of ill will arousing active hostility

See also: animus