Botulism in a sentence as a noun

Better throw some acid in there or you run quite a significant risk of death from botulism.

The question is, is there a dosage of botulism that has a therapeutic effect?

If you take a can that is bulging with botulism, irradiate it and thoroughly cook it, you will still get sick.

" Honey contains bacteria that causes infant botulism [1].

It looks like it is as "mental" as tetanus and botulism...A friend of mine spent one month in solitary confinement as a "treatment" for her anorexia, when she was 14.

And because I'm a biologist by training and can't resist:> Bacterias bring us healthUnless it is e. coli, salmonella, listeria, botulism, etc etc.

Remember that the processors also tried sterilization via gamma radiation to prevent E. coli and botulism and other nasties.

One terrorist group, Aum Shinrikyo, responsible for the release of sarin in a Tokyo, Japan, subway station in 1995,6 dispersed aerosols of anthrax and botulism throughout Tokyo on at least 8 occasions.

Proper Noun Examples for Botulism

> botulismBotulism actually dies when in contact with oxygen.

Botulism definitions


food poisoning from ingesting botulin; not infectious; affects the CNS; can be fatal if not treated promptly