Anthrax in a sentence as a noun

So was anthrax, in the post-9/11 mail scare, and it could have been much worse.

Thanks to the anthrax scare a while back, mail takes forever to get to senators/reps these days.

Do I qualify if I put an ad on craigslist asking if anyone has some spare anthrax?

Any one ever been delivered anthrax through email?

An EBay package you receive could contain a bomb or anthrax spores?Or, perhaps, even a bobcat.

So if somebody wanted to mail anthrax to, say, a government office, how would this stop that?

Aum Shinrikyo aerosolised and released anthrax for a week.

As a demo in front of a lot of people, a researcher was going through a stack of journals and feeding in data about anthrax.

Do you think these ultra-high value targets - the ones with these ex-Soviet nukes or weaponized anthrax stored in their basements - are posting on Facebook, using gmail, or using traceable mobile phones?

It's not like Ebay where if you have a bad experience, your loss is stemmed to the material good you have given awayIf you're going to play the rape-or-death card, then why not also say that an EBay package you receive could contain a bomb or anthrax spores?Personally speaking, AirBnB always baffled me, even before this incident.

Anthrax definitions


a highly infectious animal disease (especially cattle and sheep); it can be transmitted to people


a disease of humans that is not communicable; caused by infection with Bacillus anthracis followed by septicemia