Invert in a sentence as a verb

Do what biot suggested, invert the metric and say lower is better.

The invert step is essentially an expensive noop.

With a bit of fiddling one could perhaps invert an enemy's shield polarity.

Gnome 3 overrode the "invert colors" keyboard shortcut, which I use heavily.

Alternately, he hoped there was a way to re-invert the inversion of control, but no word on success on that front...

If we take in all the integers, positive, negative and zero, then 1 and -1 are invertible.

Make a copy of the binary set, and invert it, so that now a set bit indicates an allocated region.

The Dart and nearly all other wall-plug AC to DC converters use a rectify-invert-rectify method.

But any power of this value is also invertible, so in fact there are infinitely many invertible values in this ring.

Imagine a USB key that behaves like a normal USB key, but if you invert it exactly 3 times in < 10s, then it activates a secondary storage partition.

Then, it's very simple to create an iterator that can traverse every entity in existence: Call find-first-set to find allocated entities, call their update function, then clear the associated bit in the inverted binary set.

That should leave you with a humless track.- step 1: Set up a recorder in a relatively isolated environment, ensuring that the hum is being recorded.- step 2: Record a 30 minute conversation with the target, ensuring that you have enough to splice together something incriminating.- step 3: invert the hum recorded from step 1 and mix it into the track from step 2.

Ask a YC company who's ever posted a hiring puzzle: what percentage of your correct submissions were from people who didn't even want the job?The tactics cited above wrongheadedly invert the recruiting plan tptacek uses at Matasano: Start from the assumption that you want the best people possible and that those people will have plenty of great alternatives to working for you.

Invert definitions


make an inversion (in a musical composition); "here the theme is inverted"


reverse the position, order, relation, or condition of; "when forming a question, invert the subject and the verb"

See also: reverse


turn inside out or upside down

See also: reverse