Blanket in a sentence as a noun

- Which vendors do we have blanket purchase orders with?

If their terms aren't reasonable, they might as well just do with a blanket "Terms: Google does whatever it wants.

I'm unreserved in my support for Snowden getting a blanket pardon.

Blanket in a sentence as a verb

I called the stewardess over and said, with an ear-to-ear American smile "Hi, it looks like I don't have a blanket, could you please get me one?

This isn't about stopping piracy or shaming pirates, it's a blanket accusation that all iPhone owners who jailbreak their phones are thieves.

And frankly, European data protection laws are supposed to prevent such blanket surveillance while the American government clearly does not.

Blanket in a sentence as an adjective

In terms of game theory it is absolutely, directly in my interest to promote systems that **** the effectiveness of blanket advertising and hopefully make it become a pointless exercise.

"Obviously I have a chip on my shoulder when it comes to mechanical security, but I am confident saying that any call for the blanket abolition of mechanical locks is short-sighted and narrow-minded.

Blanket definitions


bedding that keeps a person warm in bed; "he pulled the covers over his head and went to sleep"

See also: cover


anything that covers; "there was a blanket of snow"

See also: mantle


a layer of lead surrounding the highly reactive core of a nuclear reactor


cover as if with a blanket; "snow blanketed the fields"


form a blanket-like cover (over)


broad in scope or content; "across-the-board pay increases"; "an all-embracing definition"; "blanket sanctions against human-rights violators"; "an invention with broad applications"; "a panoptic study of Soviet nationality"- T.G.Winner; "granted him wide powers"