Bisque in a sentence as a noun

I'm confused by the usage of bisque here.

Is the "lovingly crafted" bisque just a joke at this point?

But for that lobster bisque souffl you just picked off Joel Robuchon's cookbook?

The day their food doesn't taste quite right, the bisque isn't warm enough, etc., they'll arbitrarily ban it.

This was in the 70's and 80's, but never with tomato soup, usually some nasty fish bisque type of thing.

This prevents a Tragedy of the Commons, especially with large groups of people whom you do not know well, where there is a real possibility that their Wall Street d-bag friends order the lobster bisque, filet mignon and champagne and expect everyone else ordering a side salad to subsidize their stockbroker-but-has-a-subzero-balancesheet "lifestyle.

Bisque definitions


a thick cream soup made from shellfish