Bilious in a sentence as an adjective

Everything I've read by this guy is more or less the same bilious, angry screed.

What I don't understand is what they deserve the bilious language you are directing at them?

We downweight bilious comments, especially at the top of threads.

I don't think it is necessary for there to be a bad guy, despite Cosma's rather bilious essay.

Please don't take HN on nitpicky tangents, especially bilious ones.

A fun read rife with lyrical, bilious insults....but he doesn't really explain the economics of "packaging"

The dominant themes are bilious and scornful attacks on other's work, or lamentations about the sad state of software today.

The hope is to get the community to understand the patterns, so we can have more curious conversation and less bilious repetition.

You did later post a comment explaining that a bit, but the comment was so unpleasant and bilious that it came across as trying to bully the reader into liking the post.

A surgeon must take the patient to the operating room urgently, make a slash down the middle of the abdomen, wash out all the bilious and infected fluid, find the hole in the duodenum, and repair it.

I know that running the FSF has exposed you to a lot of bilious argument against your very existence, but this guy wasn't remotely agreeing with Mark or being political, he was just having a conversation.

You're probably getting additional downvotes because of the bilious bits about how HN is degenerating and being manipulated, none of which is on topic or interesting.

But I see no principle in civil rights that defends the repercussions that ensue from purely bilious expression, any more than the claim that mercilessly berating some individual unto ******* should be an act of free expression.

I laughed out loud at this:The Facebook Platform is a shape-shifting, chimeric shadow of suffering and despair, a cruel joke perpetrated upon honest men and women at the brutish whim of bloodthirsty sociopaths sick with bilious greed and absent mercy or decency.

>"It will not be possible to logically determine which day the exam is on"Once that becomes a premise, the efforts of the students are of the sort who should be logically classed with:persons in a state of insanity, whose brains are so disordered and clouded by dark bilious vapors as to cause them pertinaciously to assert that they are monarchs when they are in the greatest poverty; or clothed [in gold] and purple when destitute of any covering; or that their head is made of clay, their body of glass, or that they are gourds...[Descartes]

Bilious definitions


relating to or containing bile

See also: biliary


suffering from or suggesting a liver disorder or gastric distress

See also: liverish livery


irritable as if suffering from indigestion

See also: atrabilious dyspeptic liverish