Livery in a sentence as a noun

Uber says they require proof of livery insurance.

They are licensed livery drivers registered with each state.

They provide a dispatching network that's used by licensed livery drivers.

They will hold their own and take over the premium market from various non-descript livery car companies - but only the premium market.

Given Linksys has long no longer been 'Linksys' been 'Cisco' been 'Belkin' been Marvell, I don't anticipate it superseding the thrown despite the classic throwback black and blue livery.

Livery in a sentence as an adjective

That monster, custom, who all sense doth eat, Of habits *****, is angel yet in this, That to the use of actions fair and good He likewise gives a frock or livery, That aptly is put on. Refrain to-night; And that shall lend a kind of easiness To the next abstinence: the next more easy; For use almost can change the stamp of nature, And master evn the ***** or throw him out With wondrous potency.

That is unethical and it does make them look like your description: "By the time the city & existing cab and livery drivers notice and want to do something about it, they've look like the bad guys, are anti-competetive and they've turned the public against them.

We found that, if you work as many commenters understand Uber working -- namely, as a network that has pre-arranged agreements with drivers or livery services to shuttle rides in their spare time -- you're in a sufficiently comfortable area not to get shut down.

> I should point out that the insurance costs here are surely low — although Uber encourages its uberX drivers to find “standard vehicle insurance” as opposed to livery insurance, the coverages required are nearly impossible to find, especially for someone with poor or no credit working 70 hours a week as a cab driver.

Livery definitions


uniform worn by some menservants and chauffeurs


the voluntary transfer of something (title or possession) from one party to another

See also: delivery


the care (feeding and stabling) of horses for pay


suffering from or suggesting a liver disorder or gastric distress

See also: bilious liverish