Believe in a sentence as a verb

In fact I am quite fierce and get huge amounts of good work done, when I believe that what I am doing is important.

I cannot believe they would have the gall to point the blame at a junior developer.

I believe she's being a hypocrite by taking offense one day, and making her own penis joke on Twitter the next.

I believe that she's further stoking the internet's rage by refusing to admit any fault.

I do NOT believe that ANY conference attendees should have to sit idly by and listen to penis jokes.

I truly believe this is analogous to C64 days back then.- School started today, he's moved to another school this year.

Some of our investors even believe we're responsible for global warming.

I believe that this application actually does connect to Apple's servers from the phone, but it doesn't then interpret the protocol on the device.

I use a Mac - sorry, it's really nice to use and I code a lot. I like my Kindle - sorry, it's better than the others and I read a lot. I live and work with proprietary software, but I believe in Free Software too. WebKit is popular because of Apple and Google.

I believe Mr. Greenspan is both sincere and passionate about what he believes but what he asserts is really a case to be made to the legislative policy-makers, not to the courts.

I believe in Free Software so much that I will use nothing else, and publicly and harshly declare that anyone doing otherwise is a moron and a traitor to the future of humanity"?

Something I thought slightly peculiar given that he was supposed to be investing his own, significant funds along with B. Plus, I don't believe that he actually did any measurable work during the time period that would justify it based on what I knew at the time.

[0] Meaning individuals, of whatever gender/race/class/whatever, that are likely to be reading HN.[1] If you don't believe me, ponder for a moment sentences like, "But I like Negroes just fine!

Here we have a group of objectivist libertarians who believe that there should be effectively no laws other than the law of economics and self-interest who run an illegal website devoted to the pure greed of cashing in on contraband, and this is what they write:"I’ve included transaction logs at the bottom of this message.

Believe definitions


accept as true; take to be true; "I believed his report"; "We didn't believe his stories from the War"; "She believes in spirits"


judge or regard; look upon; judge; "I think he is very smart"; "I believe her to be very smart"; "I think that he is her boyfriend"; "The racist conceives such people to be inferior"

See also: think consider conceive


be confident about something; "I believe that he will come back from the war"

See also: trust


follow a credo; have a faith; be a believer; "When you hear his sermons, you will be able to believe, too"


credit with veracity; "You cannot believe this man"; "Should we believe a publication like the National Enquirer?"