Bedevil in a sentence as a verb

Yes, JBP does have quite a persuasive song and dance that bedevils his detractors - he is a slippery one!

This can bedevil people as they “cut back on gluten” but do not notice an improvement in their overall health.

The real question is what bedevils the fanatics to insist they know more than the real experts such as myself?

The tendency to view anything old or out of sight as obsolete junk bedevils the tech industry.

Bezos pointed out the basic flaw that bedevils personal transportation to this day—will you be allowed to ride it?

Almost the opposite; one of the things that most bedevils successful humans is the drive to make their lives significant.

The existence of aliens would just be one more thing to either reject or literally bedevil.

I've heard similar tales, but I'd wager there are many more corner cases that could bedevil us. For example, what about .dll's and .exe's that are currently open in other processes?

"Hopefully you'll leave this talk a little dumber than you started it, and be more immune to the seductions of AI that seem to bedevil smarter people.

Here's the snippet: "Not even he believes that the various flaws that bedevil decision-making can be successfully corrected.

But until DNDi pays the full cost for all of the reagents, processes, and rules in their drug development process, they have no business claiming to have cured the ills that bedevil big pharma.

I read this intriguing thing once to the effect that: if space and time were discrete, say, at the Planck scale, that the infinities that bedevil modern physics would, magically, disappear.

This would probably be coupled with massive aerial food aid and propaganda drops to suppress the sort of popular insurrection that bedevils the Americans in Iraq.

"unlimited for life with a fixed initial cost" products Interestingly, this is the same problem that bedevils Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid.

This post is a good one, and that utilitarian idea that unilingualism is good because you can hire people is a claim borne of the kind of short-sighted technocracy that bedevils tech and tech culture.

Call centres know a lot about you, but won’t say; their managers endlessly spy on the galley slaves; you’re not allowed to know how the system works....Inappropriate automation and human/machine confusion bedevil call centres.

This sort of thing is precisely why we have one, and why the Constitution specifically empowers the President to negotiate treaties 'with the advice and consent of the senate' - not with the endless amendments and horse-trading of Congress as a whole that bedevils a great deal of domestic legislation.

"Nearly eighty years ago, John Maynard Keynes did the math on economic growth and concluded that within a few generations—by the time his peers' great-grandchildren came of age in, say, the 2000's—the persistent economic problem of too-scarce resources and too-few goods would no longer bedevil a substantial portion of humanity.

Can a unikernel be used to create a sound/music application which is not afflicted by the latency problems which bedevil such applications when running inside traditional operating systems?For example, could it be used for a softsynth which takes in midi input and emits digital audio with the OS only contributing guaranteed sub-millisecond latency?

> Configuration languages succeed and work just fine most of the time, despite their inadequacies and quirks, but no one ever complains about them when they workI'm genuinely intrigued to see a non-trivial example of this, a configuration in use by an organisation with complex needs, describing its applications and its cloud infrastructure, while avoiding the pitfalls you describe that bedevil the use of Turing complete languages.

Bedevil definitions


treat cruelly; "The children tormented the stuttering teacher"

See also: torment crucify frustrate


be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly; "These questions confuse even the experts"; "This question completely threw me"; "This question befuddled even the teacher"

See also: confuse throw befuddle fuddle confound discombobulate