Bawdy in a sentence as a noun

Comments were more often bawdy talk than not.

Plays and bawdy songs were banned, opera escaped for a little while.

It turns out they were cut from the middle school version because they were considered too bawdy for us.

It declares -Woman are delicate, and the mere hint of bawdy humor will cause them to faint dead away.

The soon-to-die would make a big speech before their death, often bawdy and unrepentant.

Not unless you're trading bawdy tales with some octogenarians down at the VFW hall.

Bawdy in a sentence as an adjective

I'm a woman- making bawdy jokes is part of my culture and personality.

That it's unacceptable to ever have bawdy thoughts, let alone verbalize them?

Also, lots of bawdy humor that gets glossed over by staid and respectable modern productions.

It can be joyous, funny, bawdy, sexy, devout - every emotion under the sun.

Currently it is illegal to run a bawdy house unless it's a false front massage parlour so gangs run micro brothels which are condos stacked full of foreign girls.

Thus, the Commission found that no harassment occurred with respect to an employee who had joined in the telling of bawdy jokes and the use of vulgar language during her first two months on the job, and failed to provide subsequent notice that the conduct was no longer welcome.

Bawdy definitions


lewd or obscene talk or writing; "it was smoking-room bawdry"; "they published a collection of Elizabethan bawdy"

See also: bawdry


humorously vulgar; "bawdy songs"; "off-color jokes"; "ribald language"

See also: off-color ribald