Bargainer in a sentence as a noun

And even normally fair and strong bargainers will sometimes use their powers more to their advantages then they should.

Just like a flea market bargainer who quotes you an insanely high price then sells it to you for a 300% markup, but you think you're getting a discount.

> "The goal is to appear to be a "integrative" bargainer, while actually bargaining for your own position."Yes!

The goal is to appear to be a "integrative" bargainer, while actually bargaining for your own position.

He'll never get a deal like this again, but since he only wants to make a splash like this once, there's no incentive for him to appear as a fair bargainer.

In a large company you need to be a very adept bargainer / barterer to acquire all the resources you need despite the bean counter mentality.

Tesla is the visionary seeing the burning bush and unaware of anything the stock market says, and they command awe. Amazon is the hard-bargainer who understands what the stock market wants, but won't trade away their own power, and they command respect.

Actually, that sounds reasonable!From my experience a good bargainer will always win more then you, but he will often also help you in ways you didn't imagine were possible.

Source: an interesting discussion with a union bargainer that was actually dismayed that young people disliked working hour reductions even though the firm promised no layoffs in return.

Bargainer definitions


someone who purchases and maintains an inventory of goods to be sold

See also: trader dealer monger


negotiator of the terms of a transaction; "he is a hard bargainer"