Monger in a sentence as a noun

The reason the "DAC" is being built in Oakland is because Diane Feinstein is the biggest war monger out there.

Bitcoin will no monger become a means of financial exchange than wire transfer, which has been around for more than a hundred years.

Not sure who the real fear monger is here, but calling pictures of children in bathing suits "not legal speech" is disingenuous at best.

Monger in a sentence as a verb

As they say: no one welcomes the doom monger predicting disaster and every loves the hero that cleans up the mess when disaster happens.

Cheney is a war-monger, but in his defense, he came out in favor of gay marriage in 2004, before a lot of democrats who are on board with it now that it's not as controversial.

At this point, if you care about your privacy, why would you even still have a Facebook account?I used to think I could be 'safe', that my advanced knowledge of privacy settings and optimised usage patterns could somehow shield me from the fundamental nature of these data monger corporations.

Monger definitions


someone who purchases and maintains an inventory of goods to be sold

See also: trader bargainer dealer


sell or offer for sale from place to place

See also: peddle huckster hawk vend pitch