Authorize in a sentence as a verb

Now when a site asks you to authorize it with facebook, users don't feel like they can trust what it's going to do.

Mary can authorize purchases of thousands of dollars of software.

Thats because I did not explicitly authorize you to access this site, but you accessed it anyway.

He told me he needed to run it past the board, and that I would need to go through a two month 'trial' period before they'd authorize it.

It was creepy the moment it wanted to authorize so much information from Facebook.

So for example if for some reason we can't reach the checking account system we'll authorize up to $xxx total for the day on a stand-in basis.

> "If someone from a country with limited internet access installs uProxy, they can get a friend from the US to authorize them to surf the open web using their connection.

That only comes into effect after you've submitted the transfer request to the registry, and if you haven't received an email to authorize the transfer request then you aren't at that point yet.

Instead of asking for your Google credentials every time / saving them on your machine, the first GoogleCL use opens a browser window, prompts you to log into your Google Account, and asks you to authorize the Google CL client.

Authorize definitions


grant authorization or clearance for; "Clear the manuscript for publication"; "The rock star never authorized this slanderous biography"

See also: authorise pass clear


give or delegate power or authority to; "She authorized her assistant to sign the papers"

See also: empower authorise