Authorise in a sentence as a verb

"So I can authorise a person to use my account.

When you scan the code and authorise from your phone, the hacker's browser would be logged into your Google account.

It was designed for this purpose, to authorise others to have access to your mail, or contacts, etc.

It means the user would get to use the program for 24 hours if they ARE fraudulent but then they can de-authorise the key.

Just like "click to flash" and other plugins that should only run when I authorise them once, or always if I whitelist them.

I have to enter the card pin, a challenge code from the online transaction, and the amount - which then gives me a code to authorise the online transaction.

My Visa card that I used with Linode was stolen and used on an Amazon order I didn't authorise last week, my bank successfully blocked the charge.

"The contract does not authorise Telstra or law enforcement agencies to undertake surveillance.

There were required to conduct a preliminary sorting exercise at the premises, as the warrants could not authorise an officer to removed from the premises indiscriminately all documents and records.

I understand that my government might want to spy on me if it thinks I'm involved in something illegal, but I damn well want a clear, unambiguous, legal framework that says who gets to authorise that spying, for how long, and on what grounds.

Authorise definitions


give or delegate power or authority to; "She authorized her assistant to sign the papers"

See also: empower authorize


grant authorization or clearance for; "Clear the manuscript for publication"; "The rock star never authorized this slanderous biography"

See also: authorize pass clear